True liberty…not what you might think!

You say, we walk in liberty because we seek Your precepts. Father, is the opposite also true, that if we walk in darkness, there is no true liberty? Father, we want to keep Your law forever and forever. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen

Is our guilt transparent mostly to ourselves?

Father, here we learn from David that works of righteousness matter. What we say and do is noticed by You. But, You have taught us elsewhere that Your grace, in calling us to Your side, and that Your mercy and our faith in Jesus, makes our works become a reflection of our faith. We know that without works our faith seems powerless and that works alone hardly distinguish us from being like any other good citizen.

Help us today to be free of self-imposed guilt. We know that You have lifted our guilt from us and that if we

Have I ever told anyone that I love Jesus?

Father, it seems like we have a huge number of decisions to make every day. Teach us that it is Your desire that we place every decision before You, asking for guidance. We know that in the midst of this Satan has been given a license to try and discourage us. You not only permit the test but You provide us with a way out of trouble, if we will but look to You.

The moment has come. It is time to glorify Jesus.

Jesus, we acknowledge You as the Son of God, our personal Savior and our Advocate at the time of judgment. We have confidence that our love for You, by the grace given to us by God to be His chosen children, will result in our being with all believers in heaven, rejoicing forever.

Is pride the most subtle of all sins?

Father, You require that we come to you in humility, not proud of ourselves. Help us Father to be joyful as we seek to serve without having our joy turn to self-serving pride.

Is knowing God too hard for me?

Father, as we seek to be like Jesus, we find we must know more and more of His words, His instruction and His desire for us. We seek His righteousness that our spirit might be revived by His Spirit. You have taught us that hearts need to be changed for renewal to be real. Lead us away from our instinctive, self serving desires, into a concern for serving You and others.

How much of God’s word is hidden in your heart (and does it matter)?

Father, Our hearts rejoice when we know we are doing Your will and being perfectly obedient. On the other hand, when we disobey and turn from Your word and counsel we feel a burden that can only be relieved by confession and repentance. There is no teaching as rich and fruitful as Your word.

Sometimes I feel so impotent…does God care?

When it seems that our soul is melting with heaviness we can become very discouraged and depressed. Help us know that the difficulties of life are so very brief, though very real, and that we are able to overcome these ill feelings in Your strength, not ours.