You have taught us that the New Covenant is not “in addition” to the Old Covenant, but that it replaces the Old Covenant, yet, we who love You will naturally obey the commandments of our Lord. We do not obey in order to be saved, we obey because we love You and we are saved.
Impatience…the natural state of things?
Father, we are very impatient, by nature. Not only do we fail to wait upon Your leading but we naturally want to know what tomorrow will bring. You teach us to say “Lord willing” when we announce a goal or a plan of action. That helps remind us that we may make plans but we need to pause and to ask ourselves if we are truly consulting with You, praying for Your will to be done.
Are you “hanging your head” when you ought to be looking up?
Father, You expect more from those that love You because You empower them. You remind us that You will not forget our work of love that we have advanced in Your name.
When you meet Jesus, will He say, welcome friend…
Father, As a result of Your grace and mercy, you promise us that through our faith in the resurrection of Jesus, we have eternal life. From this side we do not completely understand nor appreciate that which awaits but we will. Salvation from sin, suffering and weakness is assured. We know that joy and celebration will characterize heaven.
Problems abound; God is your solution, forever.
Father, we can see that this simple promise is the key to our salvation. If we draw near to You, You will draw near to us, The opposite probably is true as well. If we distance ourselves from You, You will distance Yourself from us. We know from many scriptures that our sins grieve You. It seems our neglect of You, as we live our lives, does the same.
People can disappoint us. God is totally trustworthy.
We pour our heart out to You in hope and in praise. Help us today not to become depressed by the sin and pain all around us but to instead seek You and Your will for the lives of all the persons in the world. We love You in good times and in difficult times and we know Your eyes are constantly upon us.