Purity, in You, dispensed to us…perfect

Father, we know You created us in Your own image. You had other choices! Here, the Apostle John, referred to as “the beloved apostle” by Jesus, teaches us that we have not yet seen what will be revealed. He simply tells us to take comfort that we will be as You.

Omnipresent… God’s thoughts towards me exceed number?

Father, When we look at all You have created, we are overwhelmed with Your omniscience and omnipotence. You are indeed all knowing and all powerful. Here You tell us of Your omnipresence in our lives. Your thoughts towards us exceed number. You are a constant reality. We are truly never alone.

Suffer patiently? How is that possible…

Jesus, our objective is to be like You. We will need a lot of help not to return evil for evil. If people are critical of us, to take such criticism without angrily giving it back to them, doubly for some of us, requires Your Spirit in us.

Do you think you ever sin in secret?

Jesus, all that we think, do and feel is before you. We do not face temptation alone nor do we sin in secret. Your experiences on earth are our experiences as well. You lift us up, as though we had never sinned, into the presence of the Father. Therefore, in Your righteousness, we can be bold in coming to the Father in prayer and boldly seek to serve Him, which is the essence of our purpose.

Silent before God about your sin? A painful circumstance…

Father, when we stand before You, guilty of sin, we are truly blessed to have our sins forgiven. We know that in this life we have sinned against not only You but other people as well. We pray they are as generous in forgiving us as You have been. Father we too must forgive and forget the past sins of others. We must render to them the type of grace and mercy You have shown us.

Wisdom, a product of having been disciplined?

Father, we all truly want our children to obey your law and to avoid being unduly influenced by kids who do not know You or at least their habits seem to indicate that they do not have a strong relationship with You. We prefer our children be witnesses of Your love, not victims of poor choices, often promulgated by others. Give our children discernment and the courage to be different, we pray.

What is wrong with “getting even”?

Jesus, You taught us that if we do not forgive our enemies You will not forgive us. You said to love our neighbor as we love ourselves. Yet when the enemy attacks we are inclined to take matters into our own hands. Give us the courage, we pray, to display patience when our lower nature tempts us to “get even”, right now!

Where do you get comfort and counsel during chaos?

Jesus, for this wonderful set of facts, we are so grateful. You tell us, in the first person, that the Holy Spirit, having been sent, will convict the world of sin. Your crucifixion and resurrection, and the gift of the Holy Spirit to strengthen and teach us, is also a turning point in Your relationship with every person. You have planted the truth in our hearts, You have turned on a Light that either accuses us or excuses us.

God is Holy, we are not; have I missed something?

Jesus, we know that even after we experience salvation, we still have a heart of flesh that will be continually challenged. You teach us that the difference is that, because of our faith in You, You have sent the Holy Spirit to live in our hearts, to counsel and comfort us and to continue to forgive us daily as we seek to be more like You.

Guilt leads to fear, wickedness to judgment.

The wicked applaud the wicked and in spite of the fact that each of them know they are sinning, they look away from Your impending judgment. Help us never develop a hardened heart, one that tries to dismiss You, God. We know, Father that even with the clear evidence that sin will be harshly judged, men and women ignore You and go on sinning.