God is Holy…how can I enter His presence?

Father, Just as You declared Jesus, as Your only begotten Son, You assure us that we can cry out as Jeremiah did, for Your help. We know Father that Jesus made it possible for us to come into Your presence, cleansed, and prepared to speak to You.

Do you find “secret” groups, and exclusiveness attractive?

Father, teach us the truth and help us not to be drawn into schemes or ideas that are contrary to Your word and Your revealed will. Help us turn to You for counsel being aware that the Holy Spirit utters prayers on our behalf of which we are unaware.

Is there any meaning to life aside from God’s will for you?

Father, if King David, a man after Your own heart, said, “teach me, lead me, revive me”, we surely want to look to his example and do the same. Our lives are so full of decision-making opportunities from very minor things to life-changing things, that we confess we need Your direction, Your counsel.

Distress is as certain as the sunrise, too often.

Father, You tell us, over and over, that if we draw near to You, You will draw near to us. Yet, when are facing difficult circumstances, we cry out for your help, forgetting at times, that You completely understand the anguish we are feeling.

How do you achieve “goodness”?

Father, we know that our goodness, absent the presence of the Holy Spirit in our hearts, is more than just inadequate. When our fleshly instincts take over, we know we are running away from Your presence. Your word tells us that You delight in your saints, a designation none of us feel able to accept, yet it remains Your expectation.

People can disappoint us. God is totally trustworthy.

We pour our heart out to You in hope and in praise. Help us today not to become depressed by the sin and pain all around us but to instead seek You and Your will for the lives of all the persons in the world. We love You in good times and in difficult times and we know Your eyes are constantly upon us.

Will the challenges ever stop? In this life…never.

Father, the wisdom from You, freely given to those who ask, makes witnessing of Your love, a sweet experience. We read of our individual accountability and ask You to help us O’God to seek and to do Your will every day. In Jesus Holy name, we pray, amen.

Who knows you better than you do?

Father, witnessing of Your love for us is our privilege but let us not take lightly the possibility that our witness may cause a sinner to return to You for an eternal reward. We have seen the joy of redemption; we have seen lives changed. A changed heart is a miracle to behold.

Trouble surrounds me. Where can I find refuge?

Father, these brief words remind us that most of us have a multitude of anxieties which distract us from the comfort of Your presence. When, in the midst of anxiety, we are able to step back and remember the transitional nature of most circumstances, we can find comfort in our eternal relationship with You.