Jesus, we know that those who do not proclaim their love for You, will experience fear when You judge them. On the other hand, if we love You, we have a Spirit of adoption. You are our Savior, our Friend.
Which gift from God is most valuable?
Father, You do not ask us to abandon our personal identity and the gifts You have given us as we seek to serve You. You have said the opposite; the body of believers, the Church, is made up of different parts and it is the breadth of our gifts that contribute to the effectiveness of the whole.
Do I need to make some lifestyle changes?
If we were to make a list of things that we think “defile the temple”, what would our list include? God, help us know what it is that You would have us stop doing.
The vanity of vanities, all is vanity…
Father, thank you for teaching us that life is not about three score and 10 years but instead showing us that it is a “proving ground” where we are able to be tested by You and where You will help us overcome evil spirits, spirits which are as real as you are Father and which we can not overcome by ourselves. It is in Your strength that we endure.
My conscience…a flashlight on my soul.
Father, help us this day, not to publicly portray ourselves as Your children and then privately, in our hearts, go right on thinking wrong thoughts and doing things in private that are clearly sinful, as judged by our own hearts.
Rejoice? You have to be kidding. My life is a mess…
Father, Your word says rejoice always. Sometimes Father we feel that true rejoicing in the midst of the trials of this earth is nearly impossible. Thank You for reminding us that we rejoice in the victory of Your presence in all situations. We never suffer or go through trials alone.
Are we at risk when we witness?
If and when we suffer for declaring You, Jesus, among men, we know that our tribulations bring glory to You. We never can out give You. What You did to redeem us exceeds anything we could have hoped for. Our manifest love for You is our response to Your love for us.
Anxiety, a prescription for pain!
On many occasions You teach us not to be anxious about anything. Given the number of deep sighs, hands wringing, and perplexed looks we manifest, it seems anxiety and stress are more common than not. But what do You say Jesus, about anxiety? You say, repeatedly, “don’t worry” and then You teach us why.
Love without end; perfect fidelity!
Father, this much quoted “love” chapter has some wonderful promises. When we immerse our spirit in Your Spirit, this gift of love lifts us to levels of caring and commitment well beyond anything we can achieve in the flesh.
Rich and without joy?
Father, we learn from these verses that spiritual poverty makes us ineffective in fulfilling Your will. Yet, when we are full of the Holy Spirit, no matter what our economic situation by worldly standards, we possess all which You intended and by giving it away, we see others inherit the wealth, the Spiritual wealth that You desire for each of us.