Is Jesus the name above every name…or an exclamation point!

Paul says witness of who Jesus was and why He matters in your life. His name is above every name! We pray that His name and our Lord’s Holy name is only spoken in fear and reverence. Forgive those who believe Your name, O’ God, is an exclamation point. How Father did we become so irreverent?

Have mercy on the souls of those who are disobedient, we pray. Amen

How can we know that we are sealed by the Holy Spirit?

Jesus, again we hear the word “predestined” to describe what is the reality of a born-again believer, One that You knew in the beginning would turn to You, trusting You, depending upon You in even the smallest things.

I know right from wrong…right?

Father, these verses capture feelings we all have at times. Our “lower nature” is a reality. Temptation is real and persistent. We are born with a “default setting” wherein we can easily be a slave to sin, as described by Paul.

How can we possibly be as pure as a newborn?

Father, we have learned that “Abba” is translated as Daddy, a term of endearment we use to express love and trust. Has anyone that has embraced a child not understood what a privilege it is to be as “Daddy or Mommy” to a child? There is nothing more tender than a child absorbing the love and embrace of their father or mother.

Should we expect to suffer as a result of our witness?

Father, You have called us saints and yet our hearts convict us. Here You tell us to sanctify our hearts, an active process of cleansing and renewal by You, that in good conscience we might provide others with a good defense of our love for You in meekness and fear, avoiding arrogance or the suggestion of appearing judgmental.

True love, a basis for courage, now and then.

We know from Your word that perfect love casts out fear. That is why, Father, we can approach You and the challenges of life with confidence. Help us remember that neither man nor evil circumstance can do anything that would destroy Your love for us or our love for You.

The gifts of the Holy Spirit are yours…accept them!

Father in the midst of the turmoil of this world, Paul reminds us of what we can experience right now. We look forward to no more pain and disabilities for eternity. Here and now You grant us the fruits of the Spirit, freely given to all who seek them; love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. No matter how difficult life can be, these promises are to us all, right now.

Will I suffer on judgment day? That depends on who you belong to…

Father, such words as recorded by the beloved apostle John, are too wonderful to fully grasp. Thank you for Your Spirit in us that enable us to “overcome” the evil that surrounds us. You tell us there are false prophets, people who claim to know You. Give us discerment, we pray, in identifying such people.

Judged individually? I thought it was a group membership deal.

Father, Your law reveals Your will for us. When we stand within Your law we stand in liberty. Forgive us O’God when we sin. Deliver us from temptation, constantly, because it is ever upon us. As we proclaim our faith, help us to do good works that verify our words.