Father, if King David, a man after Your own heart, said, “teach me, lead me, revive me”, we surely want to look to his example and do the same. Our lives are so full of decision-making opportunities from very minor things to life-changing things, that we confess we need Your direction, Your counsel.
God’s grace and mercy will turn my fear to joy!
Father, Paul is teaching us, in this letter to his young protégé, Timothy, that the law, when adhered to, does not present a problem. It is law breakers that will feel the rod of correction, sometimes physically, and sometimes in ways that simply convict us and make us feel terrible.
How do you achieve “goodness”?
Father, we know that our goodness, absent the presence of the Holy Spirit in our hearts, is more than just inadequate. When our fleshly instincts take over, we know we are running away from Your presence. Your word tells us that You delight in your saints, a designation none of us feel able to accept, yet it remains Your expectation.
People can disappoint us. God is totally trustworthy.
We pour our heart out to You in hope and in praise. Help us today not to become depressed by the sin and pain all around us but to instead seek You and Your will for the lives of all the persons in the world. We love You in good times and in difficult times and we know Your eyes are constantly upon us.
Are you staying in Spiritual shape…or is “working out” more important.
Father, You tell us to reject tales and fables and to exercise our mind in a way that brings us into Your presence. Your word says that exercise of the body profits a little and that exercise of our mind toward godliness profits us in a most complete way. Father, we want to “stay in shape” and You proclaim that as good, but You warn us that if that is our physical goal, absent a more encompassing spiritual goal, then we have a priority problem.
Must I seek God daily, even moment by moment?
Father, this first verse says “revive me in Your righteousness.” How Father, can we be revived, except to have been alive at one time. Father, we know the answer; we are all made alive in Jesus and Your word is written on the heart of every person. We sometimes withdraw from You, even for prolonged periods, but here we learn that revival awaits.
Is knowing God too hard for me?
Father, as we seek to be like Jesus, we find we must know more and more of His words, His instruction and His desire for us. We seek His righteousness that our spirit might be revived by His Spirit. You have taught us that hearts need to be changed for renewal to be real. Lead us away from our instinctive, self serving desires, into a concern for serving You and others.
Haughty, proud…not me!
Father, in your economy, a day is as a thousand years and a thousand years as a day. We know that life is very short (described as a vapor) and eternity is forever but these tiny moments exert more leverage than we sometimes acknowledge. The moments of our lives shape our eternity. That is leverage! Help us be loving and obedient, constantly, in the midst of both our triumphs and our losses.
Got wisdom? Acknowledge the source…
Father, we see here that age should teach wisdom but it is not always so. Neither great men nor aged men are always wise, but men whose spirit has been breathed upon by Your Spirit, are given understanding, Your understanding.
Do you mean angels actually monitor my movements? No way…
Father, can death be joyful? Certainly not for those left behind but Your word tells us that heaven is a perfect place of peace. We do not seek to leave this place before our service to You is complete, so help us today to take every advantage You offer us to love You and to love our neighbor as ourselves. Thank You for sending Your angels to look after us.
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