Proclaiming the Gospel… Is that too risky?

Father, help us today not to hide our Light under a bushel, knowing that when we witness of Your love, made manifest at the Cross, we are witnessing to Your children, created in Your image and that You will that not one single person perish, no not one.

40 years in the desert and their sandals did not wear out?

Father, we, and everyone in the world, have been chosen by You to receive Your grace. Jesus, when He went to the cross and was raised again, told us that His death and resurrection established a New Covenant, one in which the truth is written on the heart of every man, whereby no one is without at least some Light.

Heaven, a destination you can’t possibly describe.

Father, indeed, ear has not heard not eye seen, Your equal. Those who pursue false gods are looking in the wrong places. You, Father, have revealed Yourself to all mankind; we all are Your people. Your truth is written upon our hearts and it is revealed and made known to us if we would but seek You.

Witness; you have to be kidding. I am not equipped to witness

Father, we never seem to feel that we have enough stuff. We strive to achieve and to make gains of every sort. Help us know that You will see us through the good times and the difficult times. Teach us to persevere in doing good, even when things seem stacked against us.

My conscience…a flashlight on my soul.

Father, help us this day, not to publicly portray ourselves as Your children and then privately, in our hearts, go right on thinking wrong thoughts and doing things in private that are clearly sinful, as judged by our own hearts.

A slave to sin…that would be a bad choice

We know this earth is Satan’s domain and that You have given him great latitude to bring us and our children down. We are born into sin with hearts of flesh but Father, thank You for sending Jesus to us and teaching us that we can stop being a slave to sin.

Love without end; perfect fidelity!

Father, this much quoted “love” chapter has some wonderful promises. When we immerse our spirit in Your Spirit, this gift of love lifts us to levels of caring and commitment well beyond anything we can achieve in the flesh.

We can’t even imagine what heaven is like

You have told us that You go to prepare a place for us so that where You are we will be. It was “doubting” Thomas who said, at the time, “we do not know where You are going, and how can we know the way.” Thank You Jesus for Your response. You are the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through You.

Can evil and light coexist?

Father, every sinner is as we have been and if it was not for the Light of Jesus within and the enabling power of the Holy Spirit, we would all be in darkness, stumbling about in a sinful world.

One true God, one true Bible and only one body of believers?

Father, given what you have taught us, how is it that mankind has developed so many different religions and denominations? If there is only one body of believers, won’t heaven be a place of unity and not division? Your Word says, we will be one body, a people worshipping You, the one true God.