Your word says that Jesus, when He died for our sins and rose again, said You would send the Holy Spirit to all men. Jesus said that the truth would be written on our hearts and that those who do not acknowledge that truth will be without excuse.
Too busy to interact with God?
Help us find time, every day, to focus on Your presence and Your Holy word. May we never stand before You and say we were too busy to talk to You, acknowledge You and seek to know You better. In Christ’s enabling power, guide us to the foot of the Cross that we might worship You in Spirit and in truth.
Is our guilt transparent mostly to ourselves?
Father, here we learn from David that works of righteousness matter. What we say and do is noticed by You. But, You have taught us elsewhere that Your grace, in calling us to Your side, and that Your mercy and our faith in Jesus, makes our works become a reflection of our faith. We know that without works our faith seems powerless and that works alone hardly distinguish us from being like any other good citizen.
Help us today to be free of self-imposed guilt. We know that You have lifted our guilt from us and that if we