Can the wicked record of my past be erased?

Father, you, under the Old Covenant, made the same type provision You have made under the New Covenant. The faith Your people had in You and their obedience to Your laws brought forgiveness. Under the New Covenant, Jesus changed things forever by inscribing Your truth on the heart of every person.

God, do you actually think about me, personally?

Father, Your promises are both complex and wonderful. Help us each day O’God to know You as You know us. Draw us to Your well of knowledge and wisdom, Your Holy Word, daily. Clarify Your expectations of us, individually, that we might serve You.

Revenge is sweet…or does it diminish me?

Help us this day not to act as though we are responsible for judging the affairs of evil people. We pray for their salvation. Seeing the lamp of an evil person put out is to see them suffering in darkness forever.

Does the idea of blood being shed for your sins bother you?

Is it any wonder Father that Jesus and His angels will come to separate the saints from the sinners? You have extended all power to Him and it is by His shed blood that we will enter into Your presence. You, Yourself Father will judge among the saints, and although that is a comfort, because we will be with You, it reminds us that our salvation was purchased at a great price and that our enthusiastic response of love and obedience is Your expectation.