Revenge is sweet…or does it diminish me?

Help us this day not to act as though we are responsible for judging the affairs of evil people. We pray for their salvation. Seeing the lamp of an evil person put out is to see them suffering in darkness forever.

Does the idea of blood being shed for your sins bother you?

Is it any wonder Father that Jesus and His angels will come to separate the saints from the sinners? You have extended all power to Him and it is by His shed blood that we will enter into Your presence. You, Yourself Father will judge among the saints, and although that is a comfort, because we will be with You, it reminds us that our salvation was purchased at a great price and that our enthusiastic response of love and obedience is Your expectation.

Noah; why among millions was only one family saved?

Father, you have made it clear that judgment awaits the souls that do not love You and obey You. You also have made it clear that in the midst of our being tested, you have pleasure in our uprightness; our obedience to Your Holy Word.

Your thoughts toward us exceed number…and ours towards You?

Father, Your omnipresence in our lives and world is beyond our
comprehension. We know you have none of the boundaries of the flesh and
that You created each of us. Now You teach us that You search us, You know
when we arise and lay down, You know the words on our tongues and the
thoughts of our hearts. You encompass us, Your thoughts toward us are
greater than the sand, a quantity we can not count.