Incessant prayer! Is that even possible?

Father, Paul instructs us not to cease in our prayers for others and then tells us what specific things to pray for. These things Father, we also need to receive from You, daily. Do fill us with knowledge of Your will with all wisdom and spiritual understanding.

Do doubts about God imperil or disable you?

You offer us a stern warning that we “must believe and not doubt”. Father, please help us with the doubts that sometimes come upon us. We feel so imperfect and at times very uninformed. Help us today to realize that is not our perfection that encompasses us when we approach You. We come to You in the righteousness of Jesus, cleansed by Him, led by Him.

The tongue, a dangerous weapon?

We see, Father, that a fig tree does not bear olives. Are there times, Father, that we claim to be Your children and then openly sin against You and others? Father, we pray for fidelity, for consistency in our daily walk. Help us never be hypocritical, bringing shame to ourselves, when we deeply want to be as You, Jesus.

Which is harder? Obeying God or loving your neighbor?

Father, You are love and we who say we love You must love others as well. It is not easy Father to love the person who would and does do us harm, yet, that is the command. We know that when we, in Your stregth, extend compassion or concern to someone that clearly does not “deserve” it, that it confounds them. We pray that circumstance leads to sorrow and that their disgust with their own actions, leads to repentance.