If we were to make a list of things that we think “defile the temple”, what would our list include? God, help us know what it is that You would have us stop doing.
Does it seem your heart is tatooed, indelibly, with sin?
Father, when King David asked you to forgive all his sins, he meant all. That includes thoughts and actions of every kind which he knew displeased You.
The correct position…to hunger and thirst for the Word
Father, this pivotal event makes us able to come to You in the righteousness of Christ. Your word teaches us that our righteousness is as filthy rags. We are able to approach you as a friend of Jesus, our Advocate, as disciples seeking to serve. Oh that our eyes would fail because we spent so much time in Your word.
Rejoice? You have to be kidding. My life is a mess…
Father, Your word says rejoice always. Sometimes Father we feel that true rejoicing in the midst of the trials of this earth is nearly impossible. Thank You for reminding us that we rejoice in the victory of Your presence in all situations. We never suffer or go through trials alone.
Do angels actually comfort God’s children?
Jesus, we know that when You suffered on the cross for our sins and took our sins upon yourself, that it meant separation from the Father, for the moment, since the Father will not allow sin or sinners in His Holy presence. You suffered as we would have had to suffer if it was not for Your sacrifice. Your assumption of our sins accomplished for us what we could never accomplish on our own.
Sealed by the Holy Spirit… How do you know?
Paul teaches us that those who love You and obey You are “sealed with the Holy Spirit of promise”. Father, for this degree of certainty, we are grateful.
Does the “law” redeem you or convict you?
We do not trust in our obedience to the law for our salvation. Only by the redeeming blood of Jesus, shed for us, can we ever hope to stand in Your Holy presence. That Father is what separates Christianity from every other belief system. We can not enter into Your presence stained by sin and Jesus takes away our sin, forever.
Are we at risk when we witness?
If and when we suffer for declaring You, Jesus, among men, we know that our tribulations bring glory to You. We never can out give You. What You did to redeem us exceeds anything we could have hoped for. Our manifest love for You is our response to Your love for us.
Who will not inherit the kingdom of God?
Father, You have taught us that we are Your Temple and that you reside in our hearts. It does not surprise us that this temple should not be dragged into sinful situations. If we claim we are Yours, help us to not desecrate the temple, to not embarrass You, and eventually ourselves, by our bad choices.
The perfect Independence Day; freedom from guilt!
Father, we celebrate Independence Day in the United States as a way of marking our freedom from the control of others. When we accept, by faith in Jesus, Your grace and salvation, we celebrate a different kind of freedom. We believe that freedom from dominance by Satan marks that day as the most important day in our existence.