Eavesdrop on Satan’s chat with God!

Satan has powers to tempt us (to sin), granted by the Father. Father, this excerpt makes a powerful point. Satan is claiming that some men love You who are blessed by You and that if their blessings are taken away, apparently for no good reason, they will abandon their faith in You.

We can’t even imagine what heaven is like

You have told us that You go to prepare a place for us so that where You are we will be. It was “doubting” Thomas who said, at the time, “we do not know where You are going, and how can we know the way.” Thank You Jesus for Your response. You are the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through You.

Can evil and light coexist?

Father, every sinner is as we have been and if it was not for the Light of Jesus within and the enabling power of the Holy Spirit, we would all be in darkness, stumbling about in a sinful world.

God’s word, written on your heart!

Now every person lives under the new covenant, one in which You have placed Your truth upon our hearts. We no longer need to be taught by man, You are our teacher. We have equal opportunity and status before You. If we but acknowledge our sin to Jesus and ask for His Light to shine upon our hearts, You have promised to remember our sins no more. Thank You Father that the only sacrifice needed forever more, has been made. Atonement, perfect atonement, once and for all.

Will tempatations ever stop? Not in this life…

There will come a day when Satan is restrained and Your joy will reign in the hearts of men (The Millennium) and there will be an even better day when Satan and his allies are destroyed forever. Then, in heaven, we will find out what is like to enjoy Your peace, happiness and joy eternal.

Do doubts about God imperil or disable you?

You offer us a stern warning that we “must believe and not doubt”. Father, please help us with the doubts that sometimes come upon us. We feel so imperfect and at times very uninformed. Help us today to realize that is not our perfection that encompasses us when we approach You. We come to You in the righteousness of Jesus, cleansed by Him, led by Him.

No blessings? Have you asked? Do it!

Father, James, the half-brother of Jesus, seems to be one of the more direct persons in proclaiming Your will for us. He speaks clearly and bluntly and always with a sense of urgency concerning our salvation. May we listen intently to the words You gave him.

It is never my fault. This time it was Eve!

Father, thank You for sharing this account of “original sin”. Some blame Eve for enticing her husband Adam to eat and some say Adam was responsible for being obedient, enticement or not.