Daily Devotions

The Law, in stone, yet alive in your heart…

The Law, in stone, yet alive in your heart…

Thank You Jesus for teaching us that we never go forward in our perfection, but instead we clothe ourselves with Your cloak of righteousness, seeking to be like You, all day, every day.

How could persecution ever be a blessing?

How could persecution ever be a blessing?

Father, what a wonderful truth; if we are reviled by men because of our witness of You, it is a moment of joy, not of persecution. Help us understand that we are never to consider persecution due to our witness to be a problem; just the opposite. Unwarranted persecution is a confirmation of our love. It is a fact Jesus that Your love will grow deep [...]

What is God’s fire extinguisher?

What is God’s fire extinguisher?

Jesus, we know that having Your presence in our lives and hearts brings us peace. Yet, we do not always feel at peace. We sometimes say the wrong things, do the wrong things and think the wrong things. We know, Jesus, there is no peace in disobedience.

Guilt leads to fear, wickedness to judgment.

Guilt leads to fear, wickedness to judgment.

The wicked applaud the wicked and in spite of the fact that each of them know they are sinning, they look away from Your impending judgment. Help us never develop a hardened heart, one that tries to dismiss You, God. We know, Father that even with the clear evidence that sin will be harshly judged, men and women ignore You and go on sinning.

Will it be a fear filled moment when we stand in Your presence?

Will it be a fear filled moment when we stand in Your presence?

Jesus, we know that those who do not proclaim their love for You, will experience fear when You judge them. On the other hand, if we love You, we have a Spirit of adoption. You are our Savior, our Friend.

To whom do we usually offer acclaim? Men or God…

To whom do we usually offer acclaim? Men or God…

Father, help us today to examine ourselves and see if we are lifting up anyone or anything above You. Do we, in a sense, worship success, money, acclaim and the achievements of others, more than You? Help us not to elevate anything or anyone above our relationship with You.

Which gift from God is most valuable?

Which gift from God is most valuable?

Father, You do not ask us to abandon our personal identity and the gifts You have given us as we seek to serve You. You have said the opposite; the body of believers, the Church, is made up of different parts and it is the breadth of our gifts that contribute to the effectiveness of the whole.

Do I need to make some lifestyle changes?

Do I need to make some lifestyle changes?

If we were to make a list of things that we think “defile the temple”, what would our list include? God, help us know what it is that You would have us stop doing.

The Devil made me do it!

The Devil made me do it!

Core Christian Value: As long as we inhabit this mortal body, we will face temptation. But, we never face it alone. God permits the test and as long as we rely on the power of the Holy Spirit, Satan loses.

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