If you can walk in the Light, why stumble in the dark?
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Hey, do you need an attorney…This one is perfect!
We see that singing and rejoicing will characterize our arrival. What a joy filled scene that will be. Help us here and now to not forget that Your will is that we be joyful, knowing You are for us; You are the perfect Advocate. We could never enter into the Father’s presence without your advocacy. Your healing Spirit is both our hope and our rea [...]
Sometimes I feel so impotent…does God care?
When it seems that our soul is melting with heaviness we can become very discouraged and depressed. Help us know that the difficulties of life are so very brief, though very real, and that we are able to overcome these ill feelings in Your strength, not ours.
Haughty, proud…not me!
Father, in your economy, a day is as a thousand years and a thousand years as a day. We know that life is very short (described as a vapor) and eternity is forever but these tiny moments exert more leverage than we sometimes acknowledge. The moments of our lives shape our eternity. That is leverage! Help us be loving and obedient, constantly, in th [...]
When is an “oath” o.k…hardly ever!
Jesus, You have taught us that the same mouth should not praise You and curse men. We know that swearing an oath is a mistake unless we are certain we can unerringly perform that oath. But swearing has become a way of life in these times. We hear people say “By God, I will do such and such” (it pains me to even quote such persons). You teach us [...]
Wisdom, an assurance of salvation… Maybe not.
Father, we know that Solomon, the wisest man who ever lived, asked You for the gift of wisdom and You granted it. Here we listen to Solomon praising wisdom, using the feminine gender, and considering wisdom in the same nurturing way as a mother is with a child. The gift of wisdom is a great comfort, a reassuring touch from You.
We want evil punished now, right now!
Father, sometimes we want You to raise Your hand against the enemy of Your people, now, right now! We know You will, but we see evil conquering good, too often. Give us patience as You allow or cause events to happen on Your timetable.
Wisdom, a product of having been disciplined?
Father, we all truly want our children to obey your law and to avoid being unduly influenced by kids who do not know You or at least their habits seem to indicate that they do not have a strong relationship with You. We prefer our children be witnesses of Your love, not victims of poor choices, often promulgated by others. Give our children discern [...]
Last here, first there. Disabled here, enabled there!
We could look at this teaching and say, “Boy, I am sure glad I don’t have much” believing little is expected of you. Money, fame intelligence, speaking ability, and dexterity are all gifts from God. But re-read the words of Jesus up above; do you think all of those gifts carry no particular obligation? What if you were the person with any or [...]